The Biscuit Barrel

Silliness, or a deep metaphor for modern angst?

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I present: The long, dark tea-time of the soul.

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Ar putea fi considerata una dintre cele ai interesante si ciudate cart existente care contin zeitati nordice si destul de multe alte chestii tare dubioase. Chestii de genul: Vulturul lui Odin, Odin insasi, Thor foarte frustrat si alte chestii similar de ciudate nitr-o carte care parca aduce a „American Gods”. E scris de Douglas Adams deci nu cred ca mai are sens sa vorbesc despre stilul literar si alte chestii simiare. Pe scurt este o carte ciudata si aleatorie care e lectura interesanta, usoara si relaxanta dar care iti provoaca  bucata stanga de creier la noi si interesante moduri de a folosii cuvinte. *

*In human beings, it is the left hemisphere that usually contains the specialized language areas. While this holds true for 97% of right-handed people, about 19% of left-handed people have their language areas in the right hemisphere and as many as 68% of them have some language abilities in both the left and the right hemisphere. The two hemispheres are thought to contribute to the processing and understanding of language: the left hemisphere processes the linguistic meaning of prosody, while the right hemisphere processes the emotions conveyed by prosody.

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